Don't Believe The Lies About Evelyn Zumaya or Affairs Valentino!
If you, dear readers, scroll down to the end of the above linked article, you will find mention of someone oft referred to in this blog. The mention appears just below the photograph of the parents of a missing child, Madeleine McCann. As I have been defending myself from David Bret’s attacks on me and my work over the past two years, I was completely unaware of his blog involvement with the case of this missing child. I remember the tragic event of her disappearance when it occurred but I have not much other knowledge of the case. About two months ago someone sent me a link to Bret’s blog about this missing child. Quite frankly I was horrified.
The first thing that hit me was the “adult disclaimer” page on Bret’s McCann blog. Why, I thought, would a blog concerning a missing child require an adult disclaimer. Then I realized why…because David Bret was writing it! After all I had been the target of his signature brand of unholy perverse comments and images…and I knew them all very well. But I am a parent and a grand parent and I was sickened to think of how this had to be adding to this missing child’s parents profound pain. I could only imagine their grief and daily anguish not knowing the fate of their precious baby. And to have someone like David Bret “blog involved” in any capacity was an unthinkable horror.
I know what it feels like to have him attacking you…or worse…feigning to be such a god damn hero when he is in fact adding immeasurably to an already bad situation. Feigning to be the victim of his own generated hell, feigning he has contacts with Scotland Yard, feigning he is put out by any of this. He loves this…this is his manna…disorder and the pain of his victims.
My only question would be this one for David Bret: Since you write almost exclusively sexually referenced and highly depraved material, since you attack your critics with words of hate and slander and scatological reference, since you think it funny to mock my father’s death and my death, since you find it amusing and just to write about my private parts and personal hygiene, on and on…how in god’s name do you think it appropriate in any measure that you would run a blog devoted to a missing child? I find this very sick.
I think the most offensive new tactic of David Bret is to act like the victim in any of this. He is contacting Scotland Yard? For what…to tell them that he has been blatantly and publicly defaming innocent people online for years? To tell them that he willfully and without hesitation ruins the reputations of people who dare to criticize him or his work? To tell them he has posted lies upon lies online …lies that have caused and continue to cause tremendous suffering to his victims?
As I have written here before I once tried to go away and drop off of Bret’s hateful radar. It did not work. For the nearly one year I was silent he continued. He did so to keep my online presence a lesson in infamy. For this I now post and fight back. It is a question of math as I have pointed out before…exhausting math. Even last week as he pretended to critique my book he was writing heavy, sick sexual references about me….claiming I participated in a sexual act which I really had never heard of…I had to look it up. Won’t repeat it here. NO legitimate review of a book includes such matter!!
So KUDOS to the Sun reporters…they found out and I am pleased. They called his actions “immoral”. They are. And they called him a troll. I say perfect.
Coincidently the moment the Sun's mention appeared, David Bret’s blog attacking me and Hala Pickford was removed. It disappeared once before for about two days…after I sent the police to his home…I venture to bet it will be back up and abusing asap… But if David Bret is so very proud of what he writes and such an innocent victim in this horrible situation he generated and maintains…then why did he panic and hide the evidence? I think I know why...he feared I would contact the Sun and they in turn might take a look at his other blog…the one about those “Valentino women in the USA”…so he hid the goods. Well I have screenshots as I have said of every word…its not gone. And as the Google search mess about me and my book and my father is still contaminated by him…his foul blog is not forgotten. I do not have to remove my blog in the middle of the night to hide evidence as he did…I stand by every word on this blog and am proud of my defense of my reputation and my work.
“Anonymous from London” sent me the link to the Sun piece. Thank you very much. And I am on this. Expose David Bret.
David Bret Writes Lies About Evelyn Zumaya
Today David Bret’s blog attacking me is back…and his signature lie and hate-filled post is a vicious attempt to defend himself. How desperate can he be to claim that The Sun is confusing him with someone else? And he is now denying everything thing he wrote about me. I have plenty of proof that David Bret wrote a lot about me and my father…to which he refers. He was stuck on that subject for a long time…how many times do you think you called me “Daddy Gobbles” David Bret? And all the references to me drinking "embalming fluid", the new "playmate in heaven", the "dogs in the park", "keeping it in the family"?? My was extreme. And no…a thousand times no…it was never funny.
Now I can not post the actual screenshots of these posts here on this blog…which most of my readers remember anyway. For even though Bret denies publicly he said these things, when I post the photos of his blog… he screams to Google that I am violating his copyright infringement. Which is, in fact, admission he wrote it all anyway. But I do not lie. I have it all.
I have not received a phone call from The Sun and have not been interviewed by a reporter as of this posting. So he is wrong about that. But I do have a hard drive full of screenshots of his most heinous posts…which he has removed…and even those files of his other victims which they have sent me. These include the posts when he publicized my home phone number and maiden name on the world wide web…with a title saying “We’re Almost There Folks!”…that was last summer…and a post on his filthy blog of my father’s obituary only a few days after he passed away. These screenshots include all of Bret’s images of rotting corpses posted as my Dad and poems and ditties about me having sex with him and worse. No one would tolerate such abuse! He can not say this did not happen because it did.
These screenshots also include his posted pictures of me as a corpse...(he has used the same photos on his other blogs)... and written countless scenarios of my bloody death; anthrax, throat slitting, brains splattered. And oh the hundreds of times Death Bret has called me a “homophobic hag!” and then followed this with his battle cry.. “The only good homophobe is a dead one!” And then yes there was the recent blistering campaign by Bret and his hench men and woman…to convince the world I was once arrested for cocaine possession and that I suffer from dementia. All lies. Oh there is more believe me…I merely scratch the surface.
I save these screenshots as proof because Bret plays a very nasty shell game by removing posts and blogs…shuffling his sex and death libel about… here and there and then posting more lies saying he never said any of it. He pitifully suggests that all of that horrid material must have been written by someone else named David Bret.. How stupid does he think his victims are…we save all of it. Even after posts are deleted..a court can subpoena Blogger or seize a hard drive to find proof.
Please believe nothing this man writes about me…or says about me. I write the truth. I will continue to defend myself and my work which is all I have ever done..and David Bret needs to stop playing with other people's lives. His victims are real people.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 Bret's Delirium
In response to Bret's total delirium of lies....of course I have nothing to do with any "Expose Hala Pickford " blogs as he claims.
I have two blogs...this one and . After reading the offensive blog he mentioned, I would venture a guess that perhaps Christina Wagenti or Chris W. Agenti may be behind that one. Same language...same writing style...same total BS.
I have two blogs...this one and . After reading the offensive blog he mentioned, I would venture a guess that perhaps Christina Wagenti or Chris W. Agenti may be behind that one. Same language...same writing style...same total BS.
Defense of Myself Once Again From David Bret's Attacks
Well David Bret missed the point of the picture I posted of the stairway to no where. The reference was to his continued attacks on me. And regarding his utterly failed attempt to write a little biography of me today…as with all of his biographical attempts he was wrong on every point. David Bret knows nothing about my book, my family or my personal life. Low life that he is to write such lies about my family. Because his motive is always to make me suffer. To make me sad, nervous, angry and hurt. This is what David Bret wants. To hurt. Sadist that he is.
I am not obsessed with Rudolph Valentino as he writes…but my god...dear god...he is. Rudolph Valentino was just the subject of a book I wrote. End of story. I finished writing my book on Valentino some time ago and have moved on to other projects. These projects do not involve Valentino or silent film. I am hard at work on them now.
If anyone can be described as obsessed with Valentino it would be David Bret. After all these years since his tiny little book on Valentino was published…he is still harping away as if he is some fat know-it-all...but breaking news...he has yet to receive respect for it. Sales maybe but no respect. Why was he not invited to the international conference on Valentino held in Turin in February 2009 as I was? Why was he not asked to deliver a paper there as I was? Why was the name David Bret not on the program along with the other prestigious scholars as mine was? Why was he not invited to the opening night reception at the National Film Museum as I was? Hmmmm.
First of all it is because he doesn’t know anything about Rudolph Valentino, i.e. …saying I lived on Bella Drive and calling Lou Mahoney…“Jock” Mahoney and saying Valentino had love affairs with every man he met...I think the count was about 35 men. Secondly Bret has a vile, obscene mouth. Who would want that at the lecturn?
The more this son-of-a-bitch writes the worse he looks to everyone everywhere. The "Respect-O-Meter" far as Bret is concerned... is about as rock bottom as it can go. It went kerplunk a very long time ago.
Regarding Bret's claim about some third blog... I have only two blogs…no more. I suspect that vile third blog he is talking about was created by him. He has done this in the past to try and make me look bad. He does not bat an eye doing something like that. Nevertheless…another fail on his behalf. People know I don't write things like that and that I am not under handed, obscene or thoughtless as he accuses me of being. I put a great deal of thought into every single, solitary word I write.
Such as these words for example: dirty, seedy, cheap, mean, heartless, small-minded, vindictive, perverted, trivial, boring, tired, old, god, help, us, make, him, stop, hate, it, him, who, well, you, know, hell, fires, best, David, Bret, can, not, write, son, of, a, bitch.
Love ya’ll.
Thanks for the support…and it grows day by day…you know who I mean!!! Great!
By the way…my family and I are cool. No problems there.
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