I am still NOT accusing the McCanns of anything.
All that concerns me are the two items on the petition.
By now, my comments about Kate & Gerry McCann and that dreadful journalist from the Sun will have winged their way around the Internet and probably hit the press. I make no apology.
My "interview" with a journalist from The Sun was akin to being interrogated by the Gestapo--more on this will follow, and if by chance this blog is closed by yet another act of spite, dozens of new ones will be opened up by my followers and friends.
My own PERSONAL opinion of the McCanns, while I sympathise with them for their loss, is that they have become parasites. This is not me making a libellous attack against them, but expressing my PERSONAL opinion, which in a democratic society we are entitled to have.
There has been too much press coverage--often coverage for the sake of coverage--and certainly too much money spent on this case. The original police investigation was closed, for whatever reason. The McCanns opened a fund, to enable private detectives to look for Madeleine. This did not work, so they asked the government for an extremely costly independent review which is currently taking place. And STILL they want more. According to the Sun journalist, private detectives are still being employed on a case which has so many discrepancies that in some circles it is regarded as a joke.
Because of government cuts, there are many families in this country who are dangerously close to the breadline. We are giving money to fight wars we should never have been involved in. Immigration is at an all-time high, as is employment. Millions are being given to overseas aid where the problem could be solved, were not these countries wasting their own revenue on civil wars instead of caring for their own people. There has been one recession, and every chance of there being another in the not to distant feature. Britain simply cannot afford to spend an alleged £3 million on a case which to all intents and purposes could end up a dead duck, as happened with the inquest into the death of Princess Diana. I would wager that if there was such as a thing as an obligatory national poll as to whether the McCann review should have taken place, the answer would been a decidedly firm NO.
Also, the prejudice and personal attacks against anyone who dares to question any aspect of this case is deplorable. The Sun newspaper and its harbingers of misery attack (and rightly so) the so-called "trolls" such as the young man who opened the "Million Likes" page, but wilfully turn a blind eye to the pro-Mcann supporters who threaten doubters by opening hate-filled forums wherein they post addresses, photographs and other personal information, and even accuse some of us of being involved in Madeleine's abduction itself.
The grieving relatives of Ben Needham, Claudia Lawrence and many others were never afforded the same privilege as the McCanns. So why should they be treated differently? And why should anyone who doubts them be treated like criminals just for expressing their opinion? And why have they singled out me? Have they not seen the FILMED reports outside various courthouses, all the articles in the broadsheets expressing views much more powerful than mine? I have NEVER said "They did it," but others have--not just a few, but HUNDREDS, including major journalists and television media sources. Are they going to hound them as well--or do they find me an easy target? If THEY "troll" around the Internet, they will find items even more puerile then the "Million Likes" page, believe me. But, the Sun being the Sun, once they get their knives into someone (their current victim is Mike Tindall) they never give up. Let's just wish that, sooner than later, they go down the same path as the News of the World. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.
Which returns me to the matter in hand.
At the end of the day, had her parents looked after her instead of leaving their children alone while they were dining with friends, Madeleine would never have gone missing in the first place.
Posted by Lover Of Nice People at 02:08 0 comments
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